People listed in freesoftware by mikegerwitz
brandoninvergo Brandon Invergo Cambridge, UK
Multi-adjective biologist, GNUisance
mikegerwitz Mike Gerwitz Creator Buffalo, New York, United States
Free software hacker and activist with a focus on privacy and security; GNU maintainer, evaluator, and volunteer. GPG: D6E9 B930 028A 6C38 F43B 2388 FEF6 3574 5E6F 6D05
davexunit David Thompson Massachusetts
Free software hacker. Contributor to GNU Guile, GNU Guix, and other stuff. Drummer for local Boston punk band Tensor.
fsfe Free Software Foundation Europe Europe
Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.
conservancy Conservancy Brooklyn, NY, USA
Software Freedom Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) public charity that acts as a non-profit home for Free and Libre Software projects.
dbd Defective by Design
Supporters of the Defective By Design campaign against Digital Restrictions Management (DRM).
fsf Free Software Foundation Boston, MA
Fighting for essential freedoms for computer users since 1985.