@angle @vfp a lot of what makes FF slow is the dodgy bits (eg Adobe #DRM module, #Pocket) removed in libre forks like #IceCat and #ABrowser
@angle @vfp what OS/distro are you running?
@vfp @angle yes, both IceCat and Abrowser support standard FF add-ons, although they are configured not to suggest any proprietary ones.
@angle @vfp UBO, NoScript, and PrivacyBadger all work fine. Is HTTPSEverywhere still a thing? Isn't defaulting to HTTPS standard now in FF?
@angle @vfp hmm, both IceCat and ABrowser should be in the Ubuntu repos. Have you tried searching with #Synaptic?
@angle @vfp #Synaptic is separate from USC, it's a graphical front-end for your package manager, and exposes more stuff than app stores
@angle @vfp if you install !trisquel and XFCE you will have ABrowser as your default browser and IceCat in the repos, and no blobs!
@angle @vfp but I think if you add the Trisquel repos as PPAs to your existing system, you will have access to them too.
@angle @vfp having tried both a few times, I find #UX of ABrower a bit friendlier. IceCat has #LibreJS turned on by default (breaks stuff)
@angle @vfp maybe the folks who hang out in the !trisquel forums can help?