How the #HackerNews community views #proprietary #games being used as educational tools:
Please chime in.
#education #children
Cripes, telling kids they can't play a game due to some high philosophy, the full implications of which they are inadequately developed to understand, is at best mean and at worst indoctrination. I spent the vast majority of my childhood on MS software playing games. It was awesome. And here I am now, a paid-up FSF member running Linux on the desktop. I'm all for more educational and gaming free software but it's really a situation where we need to match in quality, not argue on ideology.
@thomask That is the open source philosophy:
Raising children to approach life with certain philosophies is what parenting is all about---you get that with politics, religion, foods to eat, social principles, cultural norms, morals, etc. This is one of them.
But see also:
@mikegerwitz Ah, your attitude is more moderate than I understood. I think we're on the same page. :) I started explaining what I meant about open source values but it's too long for a notice. Suffice to say spreading copyleft is definitely my aim.
@thomask Well, I don't really want to be "moderate", but parenting and marriage gives tough choices and ethical riddles. I'm moderate in moderation. ;)