@steelman @nerdresa @sungo if every #FreeCode project uses GH only as a mirror, keeping their dev repo elsewhere (#Savannah, #GitLab etc)...
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo ... ie a platform that is itself fully free code, then GH is no longer a SPOF, just a useful mirror
@steelman if everyone did their dev on #GitLab, they would be able to keep a local backup of *everything*, including their issue tracker.
@steelman GH isn't just a mirror if it owns data that's important to your project and won't let you have copies. But we don't have to let it
@steelman eg the contents of Issue trackers. You said these would all be lost if GH went down, so I presume they can't be backed up?
@sungo @steelman @nerdresa IMHO you pretty much nailed it here:
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo Linus created #Git to solve problems he had with #Linux kernel dev. Helping n00bs wasn't even vaguely in his mind
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo ... but the #UX fails of vanilla #GNU-Linux (a la 1990s) weren't solved by changing #Linux or #GNU ...
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo ... but by adding hand-holding UI layers for those who need them. GH (like #KDE) did this with proprietary tech
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo if everyone who cares about #SoftwareFreedom switches to #GitLab or #Gogs, like they switched to #GNOME ...
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo ... maybe GH will eventually free the proprietary bits of their code, just like #KDE did
@steelman people who don't have the skills to host infrastructure for a single project don't have the skills to maintain their own PC ...
@steelman ... and they'd be best to master such basic skills, before putting time into software dev
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo GNOME began as replacement for KDE because Qt was proprietary, KDE depended on Qt, ergo, KDE was proprietary
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo Qt license banned distribution of modified versions of Qt
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo it's the same with GH. Most of their stack is already free code, but not all. Not enough to allow self-hosting...
@steelman maybe so, but anyone challenged by basic OpSec isn't going to be capable of programming secure, robust code competently ...
@steelman ... also:
@steelman ... and:
@steelman having everyone's code makes GH a big, juicy target, in a way millions of self-hosted projects can never be #SPOF
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo GH instances =1 and always will be until they free their full source. GL instances = >1 and growing
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo Here's one ...
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo here's another one ...
@steelman @nerdresa @sungo ... and another one
@steelman how do you read "I don’t have any reasons to not use BitBucket, but at the same time I don’t use it" as 'chooses BitBucket?'
@steelman like I said, this is an example of a self-hosted GL instance "I like GitLab itself, so for now I just host it on my own server"
@steelman have you read the links about GH being hacked yet? Ready to admit you're just making shit up to fit your chosen biases here?
@steelman so, to see if the discussion is worth continuing, I'll wait for something like "I was totally wrong about GH never getting hacked"
@steelman there's no much point arguing with people who value making other people wrong over being intellectually honest
@steelman you said "GH hasn't been hacked yet ", still waiting for you to admit this was a factual error
@steelman once we get that admission out of the way, I'll happily move on to your assumptions about what I am and am not claiming
@steelman cool. I'm saying self-hosting (whether GitLab, Gogs, roll-your-own or whatever) solves two problems ...
@steelman 1) making people run proprietary JS in their browser to work on free code
@steelman 2) #SPOF . Yes, I recognize that self-hosting brings its own challenges involving maintenance, security etc, and takes up time ...
@steelman ... but as with the #fediverse / #federation, the solution to that is pods of users, sharing userOps duties as their skills allow
@steelman I guess time will tell. A lot will depend on if devs make an effort to make #userOps easy like they have with #GNU-Linux (eg GUIs)