Why do I want to use #PGP?
The answer to this will be limited o the context of #PGPDay, so be aware:
1. Maybe you want to keep some files on your hard drive encrypted so casual people can't find out what's in them.
2. Maybe you want to send emails to some of your friends without your ISP, email provider, or anybody listening in on the network between you and your friend. Like, for example, if you are using a social media network that doesn't have (correctly) DMs
3. "S/he grew his/her neckbeard by three sizes that day" plain old e-peen swinging
4. The joy of learning something new
5. Make your parents mad by rebelling in ways that they don't even understand what is happening (GIVE ME YOUR "PRIVATE KEY" YOUNG MAN AND SHOW ME HOW TO WORK THIS DAMN NINTENDO)