@rw @mono come on guys, every online system needs anti-spam and anti-flooding features. For some people "hate speech" is spam/ flooding.
@rw @mono you don't have to agree with Safer Spaces Policing to see that moderations tools are necessary, even more so in federated systems
@rw @mono it's impossible to banish politics, but we can come up with a broadly agreeable LCD politics, like libre software generally has
@delores @rw @mono sure, “Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.”
@mono @rw I seem to have missed some important background here. Can anyone link me?
@mono @rw that's an interpretation that assumes major bad faith on Eugen's part. Evidence? Here's counter-evidence
@rw @mono Eugen can't control the fact #Mastodon has become trendy among know-nothing tech bloggers like Sean Bonner who don't mention GS
@mono "redditors on 8chan /v/ wanted to ban video games..." ok, I've jumped into a general chat with faulty assumptions on topic. My bad
@moonman @rw @mono I agree with the second part of this, but my point was that the same tools can be (and routinely are) used for both
@rw federation is incomplete across the #Fediverse and #Federation but it's huge progress we are getting interoperation at all
@rw I think Eugen's lack of interest in fixing certain federation problems is that he has bigger technical fires to fight right now
@rw I think @maiyannah has the right idea with making protocol support in each app a set of plug-ins
@rw this hacks nicely around the irresolvable debates about which standard/protocol set should be the #OneRingToRuleThemAll of federation
@ajr that's what generally happens with toxic Safer Spaces Policing, in meatspace projects too, but I'm not against CoC @moonman @rw @mono
@rw threading in #Qvitter is far from perfect, eg conversations can't branch, so replies don't always follow the post replied to
@fl0wn @moonman @strypey I like engaging in these conversations. It's the whole reason I'm here, so that I can read shit from all kinds of people
@rw there are lots of things that need work in the #Fediverse but for that to happen we need to assume good faith as much as possible
@rw I failed to do that big time with Mike MacGirvin, with regrettable results
@fl0wn @moonman @rw @mono
@fl0wn I disagree fundamentally with many of your views, but I'd defend to the death your right to think and say them @moonman @rw
@fl0wn if I got grumpy while debating you in the past and made comments that indicated otherwise, I apologise @rw @moonman
@fl0wn @moonman @rw I only mute or block people temporarily, to give both parties a chance to calm down. I don't do permanent banishment
@ajr common principles on social policy yes, but I'm talking about core assumptions that can inform standards/ protocols @moonman @rw @mono
@ajr for example 'any user has the right to speak, but not to make another user listen'
@ajr and 'moderation tools for users and instances, *not* editorial policies technically-enforced by federation protocols'
@ajr so I respect Flown's right to mute me. I'm glad he has the tools to enforce that choice. Same if his whole instance wants to mute me
@ajr but I don't want a "Fediverse Policy Council" that could banish me from the #Fediverse any more than the rest of your do
@ajr as per my last post, I'm not talking about a CoC. I'm talking about the assumptions that underlie federation standards/ protocols
@moonman @rw on all sides of the divides I imagine ;)
@mono @moonman @fl0wn @rw dunno if I'd go that far, but it's nice to be included :P
@clacke I'm guessing this is the rationale for most the biol that's spewed at Stallman, the propagation of toe-chewing videos etc
@moonman @rw @mono oh! That was @fl0wn Yeah, not one of my finest moments. Don't think I spent a whole day on it though...
@clacke true that @trivia he can be repetitive and pedantic because he's trying to communicate very carefully and precisely all the time
@clacke @trivia when I met him in person, he was exactly the same
@moonman @clacke @trivia I agree he says important things, but a truly arrogant person wouldn't do the self-satirizing St iGNUcious stuff
@dolus @moonman @clacke @trivia have you seen him do the bit in person? I saw a mischievous, self-deprecating sense of humour in it
@moonman @dolus @clacke @trivia but interpretations are like arseholes, there's one for every person, but one size doesn't fit all ;)
@clacke thanks for the assist, but you're wasting your time. Flown is a classic sealion, all heat no light. He's back on block for today
@jookia I'm a poor person. I can't afford Apple. Costs me $0 to download #GNU-Linux and 2nd hand hardware to run it on is cheap or gratis.
@jookia in a world without #RMS I likely wouldn't have a working PC. I couldn't afford to upgrade when MS stops supporting a Windows version
@jookia desktop: none. Netbook: none. Laptop: Mint, but only when I insist on using the non-free wireless chipset driver.
@jookia I have two Android devices, one was cheap, the other free, so yes, when I choose to use those, I use proprietary software.
@jookia but I could choose not to use the Android devices (my dumb phone is my everyday phone anyway) and suffer no major inconvenience.
@jookia laptop is dual-booted with !trisquel and when I can afford it I'll get a USB wireless device that works with #linux-libre
@jookia sure, and the 'drinking hemlock is immoral and you shouldn't touch it' brigade too. Fuck them ;P
@jookia I demand my freedom to drink hemlock be respected, and my freedom to make a living helping other people drink hemlock too
@jookia to give you an idea how poor, $NZ1 is about US$0.60. My fiancee and I live on about $NZ 600 a week. Our prices are about US level
@jookia the issue is that proprietary software does damage, and encouraging other people to use it (particularly for money) is unethical
@jookia but sure, it's more like drinking alcohol than drinking hemlock. A personal choice to use proprietary, but best not to encourage it
So I'm not claiming to be mud hut poor, but anyone in a mud hat has a whole different class of concerns than what kind of software to use
@jookia citation please? I think it would be more like 'consider the damage alcohol does before using it to study, or recommend others do'
@jookia it's important to note that a lot of the #GNU philosophy stuff was written when people were actively mocked for choosing not to use
@clacke yup, if you ever need a bottomless source of angry, unhelpful noise, now you know exactly where to look ;)
@jookia *sigh* citation please?
@jookia AFAICT that's a common strawman version of a position that nobody who's actually read direct comments from RMS would ascribe to him
@jookia the #FSF don't endose #Debian as a "Free System Distribution" for the specific technical reasons given here:
@jookia but the #FSF don't distance themselves from #Debian, they work with them on all sorts of projects, like this:
@jookia this what I mean by judging #RMS and those of us who align ourselves with the #FSF based on stereotypes, not direct investigation
@jookia are people who don't want human shit in their soup 'soup purists'? What percentage of shit in soup would you consider acceptable?
@jookia frankly I agree that the #FSF position on #Debian is maybe too strong now. But I do like that there's *someone* sets the bar high
@jookia Had #Debian used #linux-libre from day 1, maybe that could have been a chance for #FSF and #Debian to meet in the middle? Who knows
@jookia but I think the #FSF / #Debian working on #H-node is a good path forward to a world where Debian doesn't need nonfree repos
@jookia !Trisquel works on most average machines. Pushing proprietary software people have to pay for pushes privilege of another kind
@dogjaw that's your choice and your risk. If a user doesn't know the risks, and you suggest they do it without caveats, that's irresponsible
@jookia what's wrong with using a cable? Thinking you *have* to have wirelss is privilege. Do you remember using the net with dial-up?!?
@jookia but anyway, the 2nd hand gear poor people like me can afford is increasingly likely to support !trisquel, wireless included
@jookia if it doesn't, I can choose to use a blobbed kernel, and accept the compromises and risks that go along with that
@jookia but it's not the #FSF's role to suggest or endorse that an. Their role is to constantly remind us where we want to end up
@jookia it's funny though, you can argue this from either direction with validity. I've argued your position on the !trisquel forums ;)
@rtsn certainly to the point of intentionally breaking the law to defend the principle
ok @jookia I concede the point. @grimkriegor has provided an example of the moralist "using nonfree software is wrong" line you criticized
@grimkriegor it's not "wrong" to use nonfree software, it's potentially harmful to your software health (ie freedom).
@grimkriegor using nonfree software, like taking drugs, is a health trade-off for other desired benefits (eg enjoyment), not an ethical one
@grimkriegor whereas to a #vegan, it's wrong to eat meat for the same reason its wrong if that meat is from a human, the rights of the other
@grimkriegor so your analogy with #veganism only works if you're talking about people who abstain for health reasons, not ethical #vegans.
@neimzr4luzerz @jookia that we're livestock and their role is to farm us efficiently for their benefit? That's exactly how they see us
@neimzr4luzerz nope, it's coz like all the other popular BSDs, OpenBSD "kernelsinclude nonfree firmware blobs"
@neimzr4luzerz calm down. I haven't looked into it. I'm just saying #FSF have a reason that's nothing to do with Stallman personal issues
@neimzr4luzerz if you think what it says on that GNU. org page is wrong, contact #FSF with evidence, and OpenBSD could be endorsed
@neimzr4luzerz like I said I haven't looked into it. Maybe you're right but if the #FSF won't listen to you folk, there's little I can do
@solderpunk no idea. Maybe the issue is that #Linux and #BSD folks use the word "blob" in quite different ways, as mentioned on GNU .org?
@neimzr4luzerz can you estimate how long it would take for a person to look at the source of every file in a standard GNU/Linux or BSD?
@neimzr4luzerz can you estimate what proportion of PC users would have *any* idea what they were looking at?
@neimzr4luzerz not sure, but I suspect my local IT repair guys would be mostly MCSEs, who think a Linux kernel is a weird fruit pip
@neimzr4luzerz from Stallman's comments there, it seems the #OpenBSD issue is basically the same as the #Debian issue, nonfree repos
@solderpunk all good, TBH the #FSF endorses some unusable garbage. Just lacking nonfree software doesn't make it useful
@solderpunk I remember hearing that #LibertyBSD was going to be endorsed by #FSF but I don't know what's happening now
@strypey @solderpunk There's a great many people who seem to think a program unfit for purpose is acceptable just because it's free, but I am not one of those people.
@maiyannah @strypey @solderpunk I think Trisquel was the first really usable libre distro endorsed by FSF
@bob @solderpunk @maiyannah #Dyne was a fun toy, but
!trisquel was the first #FSF endorsed distro I tried that was day-to-day usable
@strypey @bob @solderpunk Agree, Trisquel isn't bad for a daily driver.
@neimzr4luzerz like I said to @jookia the external repo call is a strong call, maybe too fussy, but it's their right to set their standards.
@neimzr4luzerz hypocritical how?
@neimzr4luzerz " #OpenBSD ships with several pieces of non-free, binary only firmware in the base system" - #LibertyBSD
@neimzr4luzerz if endorsement is to mean anything, it requires a vetting process. This is probably done by volunteers, and will take time
@neimzr4luzerz are you seriously claiming that #FSF endorsed distros contain proprietary anything?!? Evidence please?
@neimzr4luzerz so... no evidence for that claim about proprietary firmware in distros endorsed by the #FSF? Piss or get off the pot buddy
@dolus I know nothing of any such bias, and all I've seen so far from @neimzr4luzerzis a Gosh Gallop of unreferenced claims.
@strypey @neimzr4luzerz mistakes might sometimes be made, and there's sometimes questions over things like patents and trademarks, but I'm fairly confident that the libre distros do all have corresponding source code. Sometimes I've checked the kernel for blobs and not found anything suspicious.
@strypey @neimzr4luzerz getting to 100% reproducible builds though is an ongoing project, so if you are deeply skeptical in many cases it's not yet possible to say with complete confidence that source code A corresponds with binary B unless you have compiled it yourself.
@bob don't waste your time mate, this sock puppet is just sealioning us both
@dolus in words: pigface is demanding justifications, making wild accusations, and repeatedly ignoring requests for evidence; ergo #sealion
@strypey some people are not worth arguing with, or they may be just bots. By the standards in use today we can be pretty confident that libre distros are libre, but there is still room for improvement and mistakes/disputes are always possible.
@bob I don't take even the #FSF's word as gospel. But the burden of proof is definitely on the random person making claims on the #Fediverse
@jookia possibly, but what are the chances a newbie will get their first ever distro from the GNU website? I didn't. Did you?
@strypey @bob Given the instance that user is coming from, I wouldn't give it much mind.
@jookia It's much more like someone will find their first #GNU-Linux using a site like this one
@jookia I'd leave out Ubuntu and put Mint in its place, but otherwise this is a great site for noobs
@jookia I think I said in that blog piece about Brick that a usability rating would be helpful, but to some degree that's a matter of taste
@jookia whereas free vs. nonfree is clear technical criteria, less vulnerable to flame wars (although not immune)
@jookia people who claim the #FSF (and they like to pick on #Stallman) are inflexible purists need to read this
@jookia TL;DR compromise is ok, as long as it helps us take a forward step in a direction we want to go in, not a backwards step
@jookia I'd happily help a user install #Mint on a Windows PC. I'd be hesitant to help them install it on a PC running #Trisquel and working
@jookia the one rather implies the other
@jookia some things are either/ or choice. If an OS has proprietary code in it, it's a proprietary OS. It's either shit soup or it isn't.
@jookia now if I have nothing to eat and I'm starving, I might care how much shit is in the soup, but if I eat some, I'm still eating shit
@jookia MacOSX is not a free code OS just because it has some free code, it's a proprietary OS because it has some proprietary code in it
@jookia the same is true of Ubuntu, Mint, and all the others distros with bits of nonfree software in them, even if its a lot less
@jookia Debian is a different case. There's no shit in the soup, just on the some of the side dishes served alongside the soup
@jookia no. The #FSF's job is to tell people if soup has shit in it or not, not to decide on their behalf how much shit is ok in soup
@jookia the tiniest drop of shit in soup makes it shit soup, even if it's on the bottom of the pot before you start making the soup
@jookia I prefer to decide for myself whether to eat shit, and how much. If you need help with that, that's what the #OSI is for ;P
@jookia here's the thing. If there are groups with a range of opinions about whether its ok to feed people shit, or how much shit is ok...
@jookia the group saying people shouldn't be fed shit will get called "purists" by people who want to feed other people shit, or to eat it
@jookia if no group said that, then the group that says people shouldn't be fed anything with more than 1% shit will be called "purists".
@jookia if no group said that, then the group that says people shouldn't be fed anything with more than 49% shit would be the "purists"
@jookia if the #FSF softened their line, they'd still get called "purists", or some other group would replace them as the "purists"
@jookia the fundamental disagreement is about whether nonfree software is ethical or not. That divide will remain no matter what #FSF say
@strypey @jookia I don't really have a strong view on that. Certainly I've seen nonfree software used unethically, but if people really want to run some particular proprietary app I don't condemn them for it.
@bob @strypey @jookia
"if I am visiting somewhere and the machines available nearby happen to contain non-free software, through no doing of mine, I don't refuse to touch them. I will use them briefly for tasks such as browsing. This limited usage doesn't give my assent to the software's license, or make me responsible its being present in the computer, or make me the possessor of a copy of it, so I don't see an ethical obligation to refrain from this. Of course, I explain to the local people why they should migrate the machines to free software, but I don't push them hard, because annoying them is not the way to convince them."
- rms
@bob @jookia exactly. If I want to eat shit, that's my lookout, and I don't need anyone else telling me how much shit is too much
@dolus hmm. The sealion stalks them, even going into their bedroom trying to debate them. We might have differing definitions of reasonable
@dolus "there is a very good reason Gamer Gate latched onto it" they're genetically incapable of grasping that its not cool to stalk people?
thanks for the quote @maiyannah. Even #Stallman isn't a purist about what software other people use, just what he *endorses* @bob @jookia
@jookia @bob @maiyannah I feel frustrated when people won't (or can't) grasp the distinction between the two
@jookia why? It says to them, I'm sorry your PC supplier has served you shit soup. Here's some places you can get soup without shit in it.
@jookia there are plenty of people (like you and me) who are happy to help them find soup with less shit in it (eg #Mint) to bridge the gap
@jookia I started with #RedHat / #Mandrake, moved onto #Ubuntu, tried vanilla #Debian then found #Trisquel. Natural evolution ;)
@hope Stuff like this just tires me out.
@hope woah there. This has nothing to do with me. I just used an funny comic to point out that a user behind a pig mask was wasting my time
@hope @dolus please untag me
@will yup. Any tech we come up at the application or hosting level stills depend on a physical network. All their base do *not* belong to us