Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 09:23:37 UTC Danyl Strype
@paulfree14 a brief history of money can be found in a blog piece I did a few weeks back
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Sunday, 30-Apr-2017 11:08:39 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff Even right-libertarians are now looking into #MMT -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 01:09:17 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff what's the "greatcloudwall"? -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 04:27:30 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff I've certainly had my doubts about #Cloudflare but AFAICT all their code is free. #CDNs are a useful service for small sites -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 04:28:40 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff I worked on a site that uses #Cloudflare. It's handy for new sysadmins who can't yet roll their own caching, load balancing etc -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 04:29:49 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff it's a lifesaver if you're a small organisation with one part-time sysadmin/webmaster who gets DDOSed or major spambot attacks -
Bob Mottram (bob)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 06:42:36 UTC Bob Mottram
@strypey @jeffcliff obligatory reminder that #cloudflare is evil, and is basically a MiTM attack on large sections of the web. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 12:11:40 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff if and when they get acquired, I would advise the project I worked on to switch to another CDN provider. Maybe a platform coop? -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 12:12:23 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff that's melodramatic. All those small sites would just switch to another CDN, or point their domain name back at their own server -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 12:13:46 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff I actually wrote to Stallman at one point asking him to condemn them for similar reasons to the FUD you're spreading here. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 12:14:24 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff He patiently worked through each one of my criticisms over a series of emails. I ended up with a more nuanced viewpoint -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 12:30:48 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey @jeffcliff Look up Cloudbleed sometime. This is hardly FUD. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 13:04:54 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah read the whole thead. #Cloudbleed is not #FUD. The doom and gloom comments by @jeffcliff are. No offence bro, that's what I think -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 16:18:38 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff sure. If you suggest a replacement that's usable right now, I'll happily suggest it to my former clients. I'm no great fan of #CF -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 06:57:53 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah any ideas about replacements for #Cloudflare I could recommend to the folks I know using it? -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 13:47:01 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah #Cloudflare is a problem *looks around for problem to solve itself*... *tumbleweeds*... -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 13:49:06 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey @jeffcliff IPFS really is the answer here. You're basically distributing your files across a bunch of servers, yourself, easily. But setting it up is a bit daunting right now. It's a CDN in a box, for those who know how though. Self-host your own CDN ;) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:00:49 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah I knew Ubuntu and Android were problems before I knew about #Trisquel and #Replicant -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:03:44 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah but until I learned about and got hardware able to run them (still waiting with Replicant) I had to eat shit soup -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:04:25 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah I agree with you both that #Cloudflare is shit soup, but dammit my clients are desperate and hungry right now ;P -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:05:25 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey @jeffcliff Man if I had the time/health I'd try to set up an easy installer for an IPFS system. I already have my hands full with postActiv though xP -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:08:00 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah @jeffcliff don't mistake my rough humour for lack of interest, it helps having folks like you to point to cut through the noise -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:09:05 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @maiyannah I've glanced at a shitload of glossy start-up sites promoting "distributed" stuff, now I know IPFS is worth a look -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:09:30 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey @jeffcliff Long-long term goals are in having some sort of automatic ipfs integration for postActiv to natively have its own CDN for uploaded images and other media, but that's a ways out. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:12:10 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek @jeffcliff thanks for the tip. Looks great! Let me know how your testing goes. I know a few community group clients who might use it -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:12:56 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek @jeffcliff @maiyannah I think in this metaphor the likes of CloudFront and CloudFlare are buses and trains -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:14:13 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah @jeffcliff good plan. If #Drupal intergrated it the clients I've been discussing wouldn't have touched #Cloudflare or #Cloudfront -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:15:48 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @rysiek @maiyannah great creaking edifices controlled by megacorps, but cheap, effective, simple to use and readily available -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:16:47 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey Much like protocols, I want to make "ways to store media" modular too. Maybe you'll just use the local filesystem, maybe you'll pitch it to mediagoblin, maybe you'll put it on an ipfs share. Modularity gives people a lot of flexibility to scale as they find neccesary.
The cost of this is increased support scaffolding and time, since you'll have a variety of different possible configurations, but I prefer a modular UNIX-style approach to the more monolithic systemd one. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:17:31 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @rysiek @maiyannah the motorbike was referencing an earlier point in this thread about public-facing sites with no sensitive data -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:20:15 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah this was the #Tent vision (as I understood it), abstracting storage from applications, whether local or remote (in either case) -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:23:22 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey Well we're not doing it in the Tent way (this was a higher-level abstraction) but the basic idea is the same.
In general I want "postActiv" itself to be a very minimal baseline amount of code needed to bootstrap an instance (think of it as comparable to the kernel) with things like the protocol(s), storage methods, and extra features all being modules or plugins (where in the metaphor here they'd be the apps running on top of the kernel)Chris likes this. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:25:24 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah sounds sensible. Sean from Diaspora suggested that one of the reasons Tent failed was unwillingness to work with what existed -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:26:52 UTC Danyl Strype
@maiyannah #Tent thought they could bring a new standard of new protocols into existence by fiat. The textbook case of: -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:27:22 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey It's just very much my take on the UNIX philosophy. Also the less features you NEED to run postActiv, the more different OSes and system architectures it can easily run on, you can just switch out or modify the various modules as needed to get a configuration that works well for your given environment. -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:28:44 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@strypey Trying to force adoption of a standard when you're the only software using it has never really worked out well, historically, unless you're using/abusing a monopoly position in the market. -
Bob Mottram (bob)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:29:20 UTC Bob Mottram
@maiyannah @strypey less is more -
[MOVED] Christopher Webber (cwebber)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:33:26 UTC [MOVED] Christopher Webber
@strypey @maiyannah Tent was the one group that we contacted in trying to get federated projects to join the SocialWG that straight up expressed disinterest in collaboration on anything that wasn't their present design.
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:34:09 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@cwebber @strypey Yeah every interaction I've seen from them is basically kind of "our way or the highway" -
Maiyannah Bishop (maiyannah)'s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 14:34:35 UTC Maiyannah Bishop
@cwebber @strypey Someone should ask them how they feel about federating different development methodologies ;) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:04:15 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @mjd what about this archived version of the #MMT article? Formatting is a bit shredded but text is there -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:06:16 UTC Danyl Strype
@cwebber classic cathedral builders, unable to cope with the mess and noise of the bazaar ;) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:14:31 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek mass transit tends to work better when publicly owned, although my preference is platform coop rather than government ownership -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:15:48 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek in Aotearoa some cities have experimented with publicly designed bus systems where private companies tender for the routes -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:18:22 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek it can work, especially with universally accepted payment cards, and well planned integration w/ trains/ ferries/ intercity services -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 02:20:21 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek but if one company ends up with all the routes, as happened in most cities, the public planning is effectively corporate welfare -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 05:01:35 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd it does preclude the goldbug myths and the anti-semitic angle on bank critique that seem so common in right-liberty and truther circles -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 05:03:08 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd I took that article as a hopeful sign that the #libersphere might be on the verge of turning around and heading back to planet Earth -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 05:43:01 UTC Danyl Strype
@deadsuperhero @cwebber @maiyannah seems like they envisioned an amazing city in the clouds, then tried to build a band new bridge to it ;P -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 05:45:04 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd it's hard to be online and be completely untouched by those circles, think of our discussion here with Jeff Cliff -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 08:55:16 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek I think in this metaphor "local governments" consists of the #IETF and #W3C. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 08:56:23 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek they lay out the routes (protocols), companies tender to operate services on them, and #TheStacks have ended up with all the routes -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 08:57:35 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek Keynesians would demand a return to full government ownership of the transit system, but you're right that this wouldn't work online -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 08:59:22 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek I prefer public ownership via platform cooperatives (in mass transit and the internet), as with all natural monopolies -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 09:04:46 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek are you talking about local and state government, or the #IETF and #W3C? What you're saying applies increasingly to both and either -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 09:09:06 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek no metaphor bears close examination ;) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 09:10:07 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek but election without active participation is an empty ritual, and a spokescouncil of recallable delegates *can* be more democratic -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 09:12:21 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek another difference is compliance with standards set by the #IETF and #W3C is optional, unlike local and state government (by)laws -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 09:13:56 UTC Danyl Strype
@rysiek but broadly speaking they serve the same social function, standardizing the rules of the game (transport of people or packets) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 23:57:15 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @mjd as long as we agree, while it may not be ideal, that state issue and destruction (via taxes) of money is how money works now -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Wednesday, 03-May-2017 23:58:43 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff then we can start to discuss possible alternatives, grounded in reality, not goldbug myths (anti-semitic or otherwise) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 05:43:50 UTC Danyl Strype
*sigh* we've been through this @jeffcliff . Just wanting cryptocurrency to be the dominant trade currency does not magically make it so -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 05:44:31 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff what Satoshi gave us was a new technology, just like the credit card was once a new technology, and PayPal, and the debit card -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 05:45:48 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff none of these magically changed the political-economic power relationships that money represents, and neither has cryptocurrency -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:11:09 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff your arguments imply that @mjd and I advocate for the status quo, and that we there need to justify it. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:13:19 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff I can't speak for @mjd but I'm not advocating for it, I'm just saying that it's still the status quo. States have power over $ -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:13:49 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff although it may one day #BC, doesn't change that any more than the other technologies I listed. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:14:52 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff because what needs to change is not (just) the technology of money, but the political-economic power that enforces its value -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:15:49 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff this is the point I've been making it different forms through this whole dialogue, and one you seem totally unable to grasp -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:17:40 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff in one of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books some idiots declare leaves to be currency, making them all millionaires -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:19:01 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff without a corresponding change in political-economic power, crypo$ are doing this, powerlessly declaring value to exist -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:21:28 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff and *please* don't reply that unlike leaves #BT are finite, I know that, but crypto$ in general are not -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:22:24 UTC Danyl Strype
@mjd @jeffcliff there are new crytpo$ foaming into existence all the time, deflating the *perceived* (thus real) spending power of them all -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:55:05 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff at the risk of sounding patronising, please read the whole sequence of arguments and digest them, then compose your reply -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:55:56 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff your responses make sense in the context of each chunk of the argument but are often already addressed and debunked in the whole -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:57:39 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff also, please implicitly include everything discussed in this *long* thread in the arguments I make, or we go in endless circles -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:58:19 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff perhaps this topic is just too complex to be discussed in 140char chunks? How about you re-read my blog post and blog a response? -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2017 13:58:41 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff then I'll read your blog post a couple of times, and blog my own response -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 09:24:28 UTC Danyl Strype
@paulfree14 Developers don't necessarily need to be paid but they do need to be fed, housed, and clothed, and supplied with PCs and internet -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 09:25:25 UTC Danyl Strype
@paulfree14 I support the concept of providing these things without using money, but be aware this is a hugely ambitious project -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 09:28:37 UTC Danyl Strype
@paulfree14 I've thought about 'cybercommunes' inhabited by a combo of gardeners and geeks (and maybe some folk who fit both categories) -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Friday, 05-May-2017 09:30:49 UTC Danyl Strype
@paulfree14 the gardeners grow food & maintain stuff on the land, and the geeks work remotely to bring in $ to cover unavoidable cash costs