Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 26-Jun-2017 19:04:56 UTC Free Software Foundation
Privacy and free expression need defending! ✊✊✊ Get ready for the #DayAgainstDRM on July 9th. - Zorak likes this.
- Annah, Zorak, Mike Gerwitz and Former Bob Jonkman -- Please use the new server at repeated this.
Mike Gerwitz (mikegerwitz)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Jun-2017 03:43:16 UTC Mike Gerwitz
@fsf Ah, there I am, freezing right below the corner of the center DBD sign. :) I hope I have the chance to participate with such a passionate group again in the future. *quietly repeats protest chants to himself*
(If there happen to be any activists/protestors in Western NY near the Buffalo area interested in free software activism/advocacy, do get in touch for future organizing/meetups.)