Notices tagged with freedom
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 21-Feb-2020 15:27:32 UTC Free Software Foundation
Got a strange message on your #Samsung phone and feeling paranoid? Every proprietary smartphone OS has backdoors the manufacturer can use to spy on everything you do. Choose one that respects your #privacy and #freedom instead. #findmymobile -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Thursday, 20-Feb-2020 18:34:15 UTC Free Software Foundation
Got a strange message on your #Samsung phone and feeling paranoid? Every proprietary smartphone OS has backdoors the manufacturer can use to spy on everything you do. Choose one that respects your #privacy and #freedom instead. #findmymobile -
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Sunday, 01-Sep-2019 14:26:30 UTC Zorak
How #cash is becoming a thing of the past | #Banking #documentary #cashless #payments #surveillance #tracking #privacy #anonymity #freedom -
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Aug-2019 09:00:24 UTC Zorak
A mobile #phone that respects your #freedom #hn -
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Thursday, 16-May-2019 15:27:42 UTC Zorak
People are more outraged about the latest episode of Game of Thrones than they will ever be about the current state of #humanity and its impact on #nature, the erosion of #privacy and #freedom, &c. #hn #surveillance -
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2019 21:44:43 UTC Zorak
The #Jangmadang Generation | Documentary by #Liberty in #NorthKorea #freedom -
codesections (codesections)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Mar-2019 16:45:30 UTC codesections
> Does anyone have suggestions for an opensource version of #freedom?
cc @LPS
FSFE (fsfe)'s status on Friday, 08-Mar-2019 08:28:06 UTC FSFE
On #InternationalWomensDay we like to remember: No #freedom without #diversity and #GenderEquality
#FreeSoftware #Community #GenderBalance #BalanceforBetter #CodeOfConduct #CARE
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Jan-2019 12:36:28 UTC Zorak
I do believe it when #Apple says they're respecting their users' #privacy, just like I believe it when #DDG says that. But I am disappointed when I see how these companies neglect #freedom and how so few of their users care about it. -
Aral Balkan (aral)'s status on Thursday, 29-Nov-2018 13:04:49 UTC Aral Balkan
GDMR: this one simple regulation could end surveillance capitalism in the EU
#SurveillanceCapitalism #EU #Freedom #HumanRights #Democracy #Ethics #Technology #Regulation
Aral Balkan (aral)'s status on Thursday, 29-Nov-2018 13:03:28 UTC Aral Balkan
GDMR: this one simple regulation could end surveillance capitalism in the EU
#SurveillanceCapitalism #EU #Freedom #HumanRights #Democracy #Ethics #Technology #Regulation
doctorow (doctorow)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2018 14:02:49 UTC doctorow
RT "... we need to defend the net: not because it is a parallel virtual place where we are free from surveillance and oppression, but because it is vital to creating real, physical places where we are free." by #internet #freedom
FSFE (fsfe)'s status on Monday, 05-Nov-2018 09:36:18 UTC FSFE
The's annual report is out: "#Software #freedom in #Europe 2018"
Read about our campaigns and activities, the events we organised, the community we are, our budgets and much more:
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Friday, 26-Oct-2018 08:39:38 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
"We believe that freedom is essential to security and privacy and any solution that aims to secure your privacy must also protect your freedom" #freedom #privacy #security #FreeSoftware
FSFE (fsfe)'s status on Tuesday, 23-Oct-2018 09:47:28 UTC FSFE
For decades, thousands of #FreeSoftware contributors have explained the advantages of #software #freedom to individuals and companies, and kept growing the demand for Free Software. A demand which companies wanting to stay relevant in the future cannot anymore ignore.
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Saturday, 22-Sep-2018 08:13:07 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
"Books are at the intersection of some of the most essential human freedoms, primarily #freedom of expression and freedom to publish. These are fragile freedoms", that's about the world #Book and #Copyright Day by #UNESCO. Isn't it to creator focused? I miss the power of books to make knowledge and culture universally available across all boarders and thus the freedom to learn and to participate. But then I would also remove the copyright from the official title. Maybe replace it by #Copyleft?
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Saturday, 15-Sep-2018 17:28:55 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
I almost forgot it... Happy Software Freedom Day everyone! 🎉 #sfd2018 #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #software #freedom
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Saturday, 15-Sep-2018 17:27:18 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
I almost forgot it... Happy #Software #Freedom Day everyone! 🎉 #sfd2018
doctorow (doctorow)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Sep-2018 20:19:26 UTC doctorow
RT closing #keynote from the second #Decentralized #Web Summit #Privacy #surveillance #monoploy #freedom
Free Software Foundation Europe (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 11:34:23 UTC Free Software Foundation Europe
♻ @eysgek: We love free software : Celebrating !ILoveFS day at #RedHat banglore !FreeSoftware #freedom #fsfe #FreeSoftware