Notices tagged with fsf, page 2
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 18-Sep-2017 20:58:44 UTC Free Software Foundation
In #Boston? Come join the @Emacs meetup at the #FSF office tonight, Monday 9/18, from 6:30pm-8:00pm! -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 18-Sep-2017 11:53:31 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikegerwitz if orgs like the #FSF and publish such documentation, it would be easier for other orgs to set up self-hosting -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 18-Sep-2017 11:52:17 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikegerwitz is the #FSF server a PC in the corner of the office or a virtual machine in a datacentre? What specs? What does it cost? -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 18-Sep-2017 11:50:30 UTC Danyl Strype
@mikegerwitz eg what services does the #FSF offer the public and its members? What packages does it use for those? What do those depend on? -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2017 21:16:34 UTC Free Software Foundation
Did you miss #debconf17? Check out one of the great talks by #FSF staff: "Increasingly permissive or increasingly dismissive?" with John Sullivan. -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Aug-2017 18:41:47 UTC Free Software Foundation
Did you miss #debconf17? Check out one of the great talks by #FSF staff: "All Ages: How To Build A Movement," with Molly DeBlanc! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 17-Jul-2017 14:02:58 UTC Free Software Foundation
In #Boston? Come join the @Emacs meetup at the #FSF office tonight, Monday 7/17, from 6:30pm-8:00pm! -
⚫ the vanta ⚫ (vantablack)'s status on Saturday, 08-Jul-2017 06:21:28 UTC ⚫ the vanta ⚫
I'm still waiting for #rms to announce that they're changing the name of the #FSF to the Foundation for Software Freedom. #GNU #stallman #opensource #linux #freesoftware
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 12-Jun-2017 05:02:48 UTC Danyl Strype
@catonano I agree the EME crippleware thing is a failure of principle by W3C, and #FSF (amongst others) have done good work pushing back. -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Sunday, 11-Jun-2017 08:30:55 UTC Danyl Strype
@catonano by #FSD I mean the Free Software Directory maintained by the #FSF -
mangeurdenuage (mangeurdenuage)'s status on Sunday, 21-May-2017 21:38:02 UTC mangeurdenuage
There's also the #fsf tech ethical guide that can help -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 19-May-2017 16:27:36 UTC Free Software Foundation
The weekly Free Software Directory contributor IRC meeting is happening now in #fsf on freenode. All are welcome! Focus is education. -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Monday, 15-May-2017 16:53:45 UTC Free Software Foundation
In #Boston? Come join the @Emacs meetup at the #FSF office tonight, Monday, from 6:30pm-8:00pm! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 12-May-2017 14:55:54 UTC Free Software Foundation
Two meetups at the #FSF office next week: @Emacs Monday 6:30pm and @CiviCRM Tuesday 7:00pm #Boston - Come on by! -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 09:28:56 UTC Danyl Strype
@jookia the fundamental disagreement is about whether nonfree software is ethical or not. That divide will remain no matter what #FSF say -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 09:28:22 UTC Danyl Strype
@jookia if the #FSF softened their line, they'd still get called "purists", or some other group would replace them as the "purists" -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 09:14:10 UTC Danyl Strype
@jookia no. The #FSF's job is to tell people if soup has shit in it or not, not to decide on their behalf how much shit is ok in soup -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 08:53:14 UTC Danyl Strype
@jookia people who claim the #FSF (and they like to pick on #Stallman) are inflexible purists need to read this -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 08:42:11 UTC Danyl Strype
@bob I don't take even the #FSF's word as gospel. But the burden of proof is definitely on the random person making claims on the #Fediverse -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2017 06:23:27 UTC Danyl Strype
@neimzr4luzerz so... no evidence for that claim about proprietary firmware in distros endorsed by the #FSF? Piss or get off the pot buddy