Notices tagged with gitlab, page 2
I can't speak to Gogs. I worked with #GitLab shortly after they acquired Gitorious to ensure that all JS on was free/libre, even though they use EE:
@wxl Both for those who won't touch #github and for failure-tolerance, consider adding a mirror somewhere like hosted #gitlab, !selfhost ed with #gitea, hosted #gitgud, or even hosted #bitbucket
@themightyglider are they intending to feed patches upstream to #GITLab, or is this looking like a possible hard fork?
I wish #GitLab went the federation route for comments / code review / anything else not tied to a DAG (git repo). I don't even have interest in self-hosting it because it's overkill for me, so I just style cgit to look like my website. And most people aren't going to want to register accounts on various instances anyway.
I missed the news that #gitlfs "now" works on #gitlab.
I wonder if git namespaces could be used to increase the efficiency of forks in systems such as #Gogs and #Gitlab. So instead of duplicating the origininal repo you just link back to it.
For anyone in the venn diagram of #Emacs and #Gitlab users
On that note, !gnusocial should not distribute a #GoogleAnalytics plugin, or even recommend an external one. It already distributes a #Piwik plugin, and that should be enough; GA is proprietary spyware.
I wrote about GA with regards to #GitLab (and their move to #Piwik) here, which states some of the problems:
@andresinmp Both Mercurial and Git are easy to self-serve via SSH and/or HTTP. If you want an issue tracker to go with that, look for an issue tracker.
Complete solutions appear to be #Gogs (what runs a fork of) and #GitLab (the crippled aka "community" edition). Phabricator sucked hard when I tried to use it.
#GitLab you're beautiful :)
!gnusocial GL: