Notices tagged with gpl
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 21:00:17 UTC Free Software Foundation
As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, we're revisiting important moments in the history of each FSF team. In today's blog, read some great stories about our licensing team, the guardians of the #GPL! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jan-2021 18:00:17 UTC Free Software Foundation
As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, we're revisiting important moments in the history of each FSF team. In today's blog, read some great stories about our licensing team, the guardians of the #GPL! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Jan-2021 20:00:17 UTC Free Software Foundation
As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, we're revisiting important moments in the history of each FSF team. In today's blog, read some great stories about our licensing team, the guardians of the #GPL! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Sunday, 17-Jan-2021 00:29:28 UTC Free Software Foundation
As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, we're revisiting important moments in the history of each FSF team. In today's blog, read some great stories about our licensing team, the guardians of the #GPL! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 15-Jan-2021 22:22:05 UTC Free Software Foundation
As part of our 35th anniversary celebration, we're revisiting important moments in the history of each FSF team. In today's blog, read some great stories about our licensing team, the guardians of the #GPL! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Tuesday, 24-Sep-2019 20:04:05 UTC Free Software Foundation
You have two more days to get the early registration price for our legal seminar on #GPL Enforcement and Legal Ethics in Raleigh, NC on Oct 16: -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2019 20:12:33 UTC Free Software Foundation
Assigning your copyright to the Free Software Foundation helps us defend the #GNU #GPL. Thanks to Elizabeth Han, Hengda Shi, Will Fernstrom #Gzip and Valve Corporation #glibc for assigning their copyright to the FSF! -
FSFE (fsfe)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Dec-2018 10:42:45 UTC FSFE
Today is the #InternationalVolunteerDay and as a volunteer-based NGO the is deeply grateful for the priceless contributions our #community dedicates their time and resources throughout the year to help us spread software freedom in Europe.
#FreeSoftware #GNU #GPL #FSF -
Christopher Lemmer Webber (cwebber)'s status on Thursday, 18-Oct-2018 17:19:21 UTC Christopher Lemmer Webber
Old X11R5 quotes, from the #oldfediverse, all from a single page
> Gnome's help is not unix
> fontana, imo (biased), it's almost universally true that #gplv3 makes any given #gpl right clearly than #gplv2. But we're debating v2
> Juggling video codecs, resolutions, aspect ratios, pixel aspect ratios and bitrates in my hand
> Why don't i have no privacyX11R5, you live on in my heart
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 26-Sep-2018 19:36:22 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Can you revoke your contribution under the #GNU #GPL? This idea was suggested recently when #Linux introduced a Code of Conduct. The answer is "No", as @pchestek explained in great detail here #licensing
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Friday, 21-Sep-2018 07:25:52 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
#OpenSource dot com asks: What was the most important moment in the history of #Linux? - Many people probably no longer know that early versions of Linux where proprietary because the license prohibited commercial redistribution. Therefore, for me it was the most important moment when Linus Thorvalds released Linux as #FreeSoftware under the #GNU #GPL. Otherwise Linux wouldn't have had this enormous success.
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Monday, 03-Sep-2018 18:22:46 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
I live on the #Debian Republic, and like to travel the #Stallman sea, #Gnome 3 hills, the #GNU ocean and the #GPL sea... 🙂 How about you?
Aral Balkan (aral)'s status on Saturday, 01-Sep-2018 16:56:55 UTC Aral Balkan
Cow’s Revenge: what a sleek and fun game that also happens to care about your freedom and is licensed under GPLv3 :gnu:
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Sunday, 08-Apr-2018 17:01:32 UTC Danyl Strype
#FrostWire is a #FreeCode (GNU #GPL) media player, with built-in search functions and #BitTorrent client. It's awesome! -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Saturday, 24-Mar-2018 16:34:46 UTC Free Software Foundation
Right now at #LibrePlanet: Brett Smith is talking about barriers to use of the #GPL. A wishlist for resources and changes includes: one single focused document; an emphasis on readability; license notice friendliness and tooling. -
Zorak (zorak)'s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 20:59:22 UTC Zorak #DTrace #CDDL #GPL #Oracle -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2018 01:15:24 UTC Free Software Foundation
So many stories of #GPL success from speakers at #lca2018. Inspiring. -
Bob Jonkman (bobjonkman)'s status on Wednesday, 01-Nov-2017 18:00:38 UTC Bob Jonkman
Spreading the usual #FUD: The #GPL is perfectly good for commercial usage, protecting both developers and users. /cc @FSF ♻ @snyksec via @NickInfosec on #Twitter #FreeSoftware -
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Oct-2017 17:03:40 UTC Free Software Foundation
UPDATE: Motion for summary judgment denied in #GNU General Public License #GPL compliance case Artifex v. Hancom. -
Klaus Jónsson Zimmermann (kzimmermann)'s status on Friday, 30-Jun-2017 14:24:09 UTC Klaus Jónsson Zimmermann
Oh wow, the #GPL turned 10 today! It seems like it was just yesterday!