Oh, right, #airbnb have that whole help-people-find-rentals/hotels side to their business. I tend to think of them primarily as a company that makes a pretty good style guide. https://github.com/airbnb/javascript
Notices tagged with javascript, page 2
codesections (codesections)'s status on Monday, 10-Sep-2018 14:28:07 UTC codesections
codesections (codesections)'s status on Sunday, 09-Sep-2018 15:42:16 UTC codesections
I'm still really struggling to debug my #Mastodon oauth #JavaScript code. I've cut the non-essential bits—it's now down to 74 SLOC; it seems like I'm requesting a token in exactly the way the docs describe.
If anyone can offer a tip, I'd really appreciate it!
code: https://github.com/codesections/t5/blob/master/get_favs.js
Live demo: https://distracted-lovelace-530204.netlify.com@gcupc @nolan I hate to bother y'all with this, but I was modeling the oauth flow on #pinafore/#brutaldon, so I know y'all could help me with this if you have a second.
codesections (codesections)'s status on Sunday, 09-Sep-2018 15:00:08 UTC codesections
That's actually not the issue. Adding, removing, or modifying the *properties* of a #javascript object is fine for `const` variables—their not immutable, they just can't be reassigned. (Which took me a bit to remember/understand)
(Just to be sure, though, I tested with that changed and it made no difference. Thanks for the thought!)
codesections (codesections)'s status on Sunday, 09-Sep-2018 11:31:04 UTC codesections
@kev Another vote for #javascript. It's gotten much better in the past few years; many (not all) of the issues people have with it have now been fixed. And, after all the work browser vendors have put into optimizing its interpreter, it's *really* fast (for an interpretated language, I mean).
It's also very flexible in terms of paradigm: it supports functional programming or #OOP pretty well.
Plus, it's a C-family language, so it would make it easier to learn C/C++/Rust/go/etc. one day.
codesections (codesections)'s status on Saturday, 08-Sep-2018 19:14:59 UTC codesections
Programming/markup languages I know passably well:
- #C
- #bash
- #vimscript
- #JavaScript
- #CSS
- (various templating languages, e.g. #twig, #jinja2, #handlebars)Programming languages for the code I've had accepted in open-source pull requests in the last month:
- #Rust
- #PythonSomething seems very wrong with this picture.
codesections (codesections)'s status on Saturday, 08-Sep-2018 19:13:07 UTC codesections
Programming/markup languages I know passably well:
- #C
- #JavaScript
- #CSS
- (various templating languages, e.g. #twig, #jinja2, #handlebars)Programming languages for the code I've had accepted in open-source pull requests in the last month:
- #Rust
- #PythonSomething seems very wrong with this picture.
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Saturday, 25-Aug-2018 11:18:32 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
@lanodan Explanation: When I see a comment or someone follows, I check their profile. Why should it be required to allow some.random.instance run #JavaScript for that? Their actual users should already trust them, but why should other instances' users have to trust them? -
codesections (codesections)'s status on Thursday, 23-Aug-2018 23:51:12 UTC codesections
Yeah, and I'm sure my preference for camelCase has something to do with early exposure to #javaScript
codesections (codesections)'s status on Wednesday, 22-Aug-2018 12:38:44 UTC codesections
After some thought, I oppose the absolutist anti #javascript view in The Web I Want[0]
Look, my website loads 0 JS and 4.3 KB total[1]; I *get* the appeal of blazing speed & minimal data transfer. I *love* it.
*Your* post, conversely, loads 1,760 KB of JavaScript. But I don't think you're a hypocrite. No, I think that you had some reason for publishing on dev.to—likely a good one. You decided *something* was worth the weight of that JS.
0: https://dev.to/quii/the-web-i-want-43o
1: https://www.codesections.com/ -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Monday, 23-Jul-2018 16:05:18 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
At 1mbps, your #JavaScript based content loader just spins, but sites using HTML directly still load. -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Sunday, 15-Jul-2018 18:00:38 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
Closed #Chromium and got back 75% of my swap and over 50% of my RAM. Both #Firefox and #Palemoon are running, but both of them together use fewer resources than Chromium, despite having more tabs open.
(I suspect the difference is in the embedded #JavaScript interpreter.) -
Douglas A. Whitfield (musicman)'s status on Saturday, 14-Jul-2018 20:10:19 UTC Douglas A. Whitfield
One of my buddies is looking for a #javascript dev position. Anyone looking?
And you know I'm legit #askingforafriend if you know anything about my skill set. He's willing to relocate for the right position. -
r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖 (cypnk)'s status on Friday, 13-Jul-2018 11:36:42 UTC r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖
Oh good
“Compromised #JavaScript Package Caught Stealing npm Credentials”
Once again, #npm delivers
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Wednesday, 11-Jul-2018 01:06:46 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
@kaniini I tried to convince my bank, but they lurve them some #JavaScript (including 3rd party) -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-2018 09:45:52 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
Chromium's RAM bloat is back. Open several tabs on heavy #JavaScript heavy sites, then wait a few hours. -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Monday, 21-May-2018 00:36:33 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
@cypnk The other thing that I don't get is bank sites with five different third parties' #JavaScript. I can hear "We didn't know they could siphon customers' financial details" coming any day now. -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Thursday, 29-Mar-2018 00:10:03 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
@thatbrickster I'm no fan of #JavaScript based encryption either. -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Wednesday, 28-Mar-2018 02:40:26 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
I hate it when I accidentally reload the tab that is running #Riot-web. It takes forever for all the #JavaScript to load the page again. #Riot #Matrix -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2018 16:18:38 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
That'll make a juicy target out of #Cloudflare accounts that run major domains. Compromise the account, throw some eee-ville #JavaScript on the CF edge, and in a few hours, you've turned half the user devices on the Internet into your personal botnet. -
dcapeletti (dcapeletti)'s status on Friday, 26-Jan-2018 18:29:07 UTC dcapeletti