Notices tagged with microsoft
Free Software Foundation (fsf)'s status on Friday, 24-Jan-2020 21:02:06 UTC Free Software Foundation
#Microsoft's support of Windows 7 is over - but its life doesn't have to end. Tell them to #UpcycleWindows7 by signing our petition to release it as free software. -
codesections (codesections)'s status on Thursday, 25-Jul-2019 02:07:12 UTC codesections
> if [#Microsoft does] end up using [#Rust] for low-level Windows stuff (seems a big if to me, still), that might actually help the language by being battle-tested
Yeah, fair enough. But, from the same post, here's their list of priorities:
> how to regulate the usage of the “unsafe” superset of Rust at scale, lack of first-class interoperability with C++, and interoperability with existing Microsoft tooling.
Those are *not* priorities for me, so, meh
codesections (codesections)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Jul-2019 11:27:01 UTC codesections
As someone who is both fan of #rust and a bit of #Microsoft sceptic, this article is both exiting and a bit worrisome…
> [At Microsoft] we’re excited about the possibilities. While there are many questions still left to figure out about how Rust fits into the overall Microsoft engineering story, we encourage others to join us in taking a serious look at the language for their systems programming needs.
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2019 09:46:31 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
The day has come, #Microsoft will shutdown their #DRM servers which means that all #ebook bought in their store will be gone. Books bought by people under the impression that they will own them like they own their physical books, forever. That's why I only buy DRM-free or watermarked books where I really own the epub files. #freeCulture #culture #books
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Tuesday, 25-Jun-2019 15:01:29 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
#Microsoft prohibits the use of #Slack and even more interesting #Github, for IT security reasons and in order to safeguard company secrets... Think about it
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Friday, 07-Dec-2018 07:22:06 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
"If one product like #Chromium has enough market share, then it becomes easier for web developers and businesses to decide not to worry if their services and sites work with anything other than Chromium. That’s what happened when #Microsoft had a monopoly on browsers in the early 2000s before #Firefox was released. And it could happen again.
If you care about what’s happening with online life today, take another look at Firefox." #edge
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 24-Oct-2018 07:31:20 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
"For decades, thousands of #FreeSoftware contributors have explained the advantages of software freedom [..]. Over time, this created more and more demand for Free Software, a demand which companies wanting to stay relevant in the future cannot ignore" #swpat #microsoft #fsfe #oin
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Oct-2018 14:11:04 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
#O365 still doesn’t like my account, so I’m stuck with OWA and the phone’s mail. I haven’t found a way yet to reach my existing folders from OWA, so I’m re-sending messages from the phone, so I can view/respond from OWA. (OWA is #Microsoft’s webmail.)
The perils of relying on outside vendors for critical infrastructure. -
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Friday, 12-Oct-2018 15:05:32 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
I haven’t been in another environment where they use #Microsoft #Sharepoint, so it could be that the awfulness I perceive is just the way $EMPLOYER uses it. Internally, it is often called sh*tpoint, with good reason. -
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Oct-2018 21:09:00 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Interesting read on why #Microsoft joined #OIN TL;DR Microsoft is in a transition from a product company to a service company. With Azure they earn a lot of money these days with people running Free Software on their cloud platform. Which means that the threat of software patent interferes with the growth of their services business these days.
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Oct-2018 14:53:01 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Wow, when I heard the rumors last week I bet that this will not going to happen. But now #Microsoft really surprised me by joining the Open Invention Network #OIN. This also means that they have to stop using #patents against #Android!
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 10-Oct-2018 14:51:17 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Wow, when I heard the rumors last week I bet that this will not going to happen. But now #Microsoft really surprised me by joining the Open Invention Network #OIN. This also means that they have to stop using #patents against #Android!
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018 14:21:20 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
How to turn everything upside down in 9 years: 2009 Microsoft was forced by the European Commission to add a ballot box to allow users to chose a browser freely. Two years later they got fined €561 million because they removed it again. Now they introduce a dialog which does the direct opposite, it warns users not to install a different browser than Microsoft Edge.
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Saturday, 01-Sep-2018 22:35:41 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
@delores @ocean I think the amount of data being uploaded from the 8 or 9 out of 10 people using Windows dwarfs the data from Google's clumsy web-based tracking scripts. Despite #Google's intrusive data-collection, I think they still have less info on most people than either #Facebook or #Microsoft.
That said, we don't have to choose either one (except at work / school, where the choice is made for us by people who do not have our welfare in mind). -
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Tuesday, 31-Jul-2018 16:31:23 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
"You do the work, and the Store allows you whatever it wants to allow you. You’re absolutely powerless." #krita #microsoft and #appstores in general
Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)] (lnxw48a1)'s status on Sunday, 22-Jul-2018 00:45:55 UTC Nobody [LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1)]
No, #Microsoft. No, #HP. I don't want you collecting my data, so you can tailor my experience.
The only thing currently planned is #Steam. -
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Monday, 04-Jun-2018 20:40:27 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Already 2,5 years ago I argued why big central code hosting platforms are a problem and what should change from my perspective. I have the feeling that it fits perfectly these days. #Github #Microsoft
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Monday, 04-Jun-2018 19:47:40 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
I really didn't want to join all the #Github and #Microsoft noise, but I can't help myself... "millions of people today depend on GitHub to help them learn, grown, and build amazing things."... Exactly this is the problem, with or without Microsoft. Can Microsoft fix it?
Chris Bowdon 🇬🇧🇪🇺 (cbowdon)'s status on Monday, 04-Jun-2018 07:24:08 UTC Chris Bowdon 🇬🇧🇪🇺
Do we need more takes on the #Microsoft #GitHub acquisition? Well...
The average FOSS dev doesn’t have a lot new to worry about here, IMO. GitHub wasn’t ever a not-for-profit, people were already worried about over-centralisation.
However GCE, IBM, Oracle and other small cloud providers should be very worried. The entire “MS ❤️ OSS” strategy has been about driving Azure adoption. Every foothold they gain in the ecosystem will be used to steer towards that. Bad news for cloud competition.
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Sunday, 03-Jun-2018 22:25:00 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Seems like it is more or less official that #Microsoft acquired #Github. I'm curious about the impact on Github and how Microsoft competitors who host (private?) repositories on Github will react.