Notices tagged with noscript
!Tor #Browser disabled #NoScript, but can't update #hn
@kensanata you can use #NoScript on FF-based browsers for more granular control of JS. #LibreJS blocks any JS without free code license info
>The main reason I don't use µBlock Origin is because it bugs out with #NoScript because of some weird font crap.
Please try
In replacement of noscript to see if you have the same problem with UbO.
@mcscx Still easy to disable the blocklist. If companies want to pay for getting on the whitelist, fine by me. They're still not getting through to me or anyone I configure #adblockplus for .]
The main reason I don't use µBlock Origin is because it bugs out with #NoScript because of some weird font crap.
@kzimmermann For one thing, with the new #NoScript, it isn't clear to me how to _temporarily_ accept #JavaScript from a site, nor how to revoke those temporary permissions. I haven't used #uMatrix yet, but I'll be willing to take a look.
I hope that this nasty #Cryptocurrency mining #Javascript trend at least serves to educate more people on why #NoScript is important.
@taknamay @kzimmermann Not strictly an answer to your @question, but I found that #NoScript (with very limited exceptions allowed) really cuts RAM bloat and CPU load for #Firefox / #Palemoon.
@mikegerwitz I've used #NoScript, it was good, but it slaughtered a lot of functions I like too. I just need to learn to use it properly
@kat I dislike the fact that website content is delivered in a manner that requires a virtual machine running the source code and often even some human interaction. I very much prefer my web content to be available statically.
If the site provides javascript as a layer on top of statically available content, I don't care. But if I'm left out because of #NoScript, it's not something I want to take part of.
<insert my usual you-should-not-run-arbitrary-untrusted-unsigned-code-on-your-computer statement here>
Letalone proprietary code. Use #NoScript, or at least #LibreJS.
More and more reasons to use #NoScript !security #ransomware
The more I learn about Javascript, the better I can avoid it and hack around with it online. >:-D #librejs #noscript
Nu har jag börjat skriva på #Geografibloggen för !Mappers
(varning: pga de använder Typepad som bloggtjänst så är #Tor strikt förbjudet (ger 404) + det är typ omöjligt att se sidan korrekt med plugins som #noscript och #requestpolicy).
@moshpirit checks some things.
#JavaScript has been used to exploit #Tor Browser in the past:
Never use the same browser for personal (non-tor) browsing and private browsing---there are various ways to track you (including session information in cookies, for example). Some general advice on things not to do here:
Browsing history has been exploited in the past. Modern browsers should protect against it:
I recommend the same plugins as @mmn: #NoScript, #HTTPSEverywhere, and #PrivacyBadger.
@moshpirit Unless "Disconnect" (don't know what that is) rejects third party resource requests, you probably want RequestPolicy Continued too (or just the original #RequestPolicy):
I use that, #NoScript, #HTTPSEverywhere and #PrivacyBadger.