That's also one of the reasons why I like #PrivacyBadger from #EFF more then stupid #Adblocker's. I'm happy to see advertisement if I use journalistic content for free as long as it respects my privacy and isn't a security risk to my computers.
Notices tagged with privacybadger
Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺 (bjoern)'s status on Sunday, 01-Jul-2018 09:13:13 UTC Björn Schießle 🌍 🇪🇺
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Sunday, 09-Apr-2017 11:00:46 UTC Danyl Strype
@hannes2peer I think #Abrowser has some #Firefox plug-ins installed by default. I use #AdBlock+ and #PrivacyBadger -
Danyl Strype (strypey)'s status on Saturday, 01-Apr-2017 14:00:58 UTC Danyl Strype
@kkebreau ok I'm still using Trisquel 7. I turnedoff #AdBlock and #PrivacyBadger for the FMA domain, but still no music. !listening -
Mike Gerwitz (mikegerwitz)'s status on Thursday, 21-Jan-2016 00:56:02 UTC Mike Gerwitz
@moshpirit checks some things.
#JavaScript has been used to exploit #Tor Browser in the past:
Never use the same browser for personal (non-tor) browsing and private browsing---there are various ways to track you (including session information in cookies, for example). Some general advice on things not to do here:
Browsing history has been exploited in the past. Modern browsers should protect against it:
I recommend the same plugins as @mmn: #NoScript, #HTTPSEverywhere, and #PrivacyBadger. -
MMN-o ✅⃠ (mmn)'s status on Wednesday, 20-Jan-2016 14:31:07 UTC MMN-o ✅⃠
@moshpirit Unless "Disconnect" (don't know what that is) rejects third party resource requests, you probably want RequestPolicy Continued too (or just the original #RequestPolicy):
I use that, #NoScript, #HTTPSEverywhere and #PrivacyBadger.